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Indonesia Tourism Transformation: Achievements in the Global Travel and Tourism Development Index 2024

On May 21, 2024, the World Economic Forum released the latest results of the Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI), marking a significant milestone for Indonesia on the global stage. The country’s rise of 14 positions, placing it at number 22, makes Indonesia the most improved nation in this index. This achievement reflects strong competitiveness and effective adaptation in the new normal era. 

Enhanced Competitiveness and Global Reputation

Indonesia's surge in the TTDI 2024 not only signifies an increase in international competitiveness but also acknowledges the nation's capability in navigating tourism challenges in the post-pandemic era. With an overall index score of 4.46 on a scale of 1-7, Indonesia now ranks second in Southeast Asia, just below Singapore, and surpasses countries like Malaysia, Vietnam, and even Thailand, which is known as a regional tourism powerhouse. 

According to the World Economic Forum, the TTDI “compares and measures the factors and policies that drive the sustainable and resilient development of tourism, which in turn contributes to the development of the country."

Adapting the Index for the Post-Pandemic Era

The transformation in the TTDI’s development highlights the growing importance of sustainability and resilience in modern tourism growth. In this context, the index reflects a country’s ability to collaborate and design integrated development strategies at various levels including local, regional, and international, to "mitigate the pandemic's impact, bolster recovery, and address future challenges and risks."

Pillars of Indonesia's Success

Indonesia's distinguished ranking is the result of cross-sector collaboration and the active involvement of various global stakeholders. The TTDI assessment includes input from an advisory group comprising representatives from Bloom Consulting, the International Air Transport Association (IATA), JLL Hotels & Hospitality Group, the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), the University of Surrey, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), and the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC).

Cross-Sector Contributions and Collaboration

This achievement is also the result of close partnerships with various data partners including AirDNA, Bloom Consulting, Euromonitor International,, IATA, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), STR, Tripadvisor, UNWTO, and WTTC. With the backing of these prestigious organizations, Indonesia can continue to leverage this momentum and strengthen its position as a premier tourism destination.

Since 2023, Indonesia has climbed 14 places in the TTDI, an unprecedented achievement that signifies a rising global reputation as a world-class tourist destination. This success is a positive indicator for the future of Indonesian tourism.


Indonesia has demonstrated its ability not only to survive but to thrive in the challenging global tourism landscape. With a focus on sustainability, cross-sector collaboration, and policy improvements, Indonesia has the potential to continue enhancing its appeal as a leading tourist destination. The success in the TTDI 2024 is a tangible testament to the progress made and serves as a crucial milestone in the journey towards a brighter and more sustainable future for Indonesian tourism.


Travel & Tourism Development Index 2024

in June
Indonesia Tourism Transformation: Achievements in the Global Travel and Tourism Development Index 2024
Ganjar Primambudi November 20, 2024
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